Friday, June 20, 2008


 Sitting with my family tonight I was suddenly struck with a feeling of overwhelming joy and gratitude. They,through just being themselves, allow me the opportunity to always be aware of how good my life is. At any point I can think about or get around them and be immersed in absolute love. Shelby is an incredibly gifted and headstrong nine year old. She definitely marches to the beat of her own drummer. Wendy, with her beauty and intelligence, constantly pushes me to be a better person. I know that the three of us enhance each others lives and bring each other joy.
Any person has the choice as to what will affect them. Anyone can shift their perspective and become inspired at any point. For most it is a matter of rising above whatever self-centered fear they are choosing to allow to control their life. Along with my family, I am surrounded by people who are in a constant state of self-improvement. Because I choose to connect with such forward moving people I am never able to justify remaining in a state of self-pity. I'm not saying that I don't try to from time to time, I'm saying that I can't justify it. 
To find inspiration is simple. Existing in an inspired state is a habit. It has to do with how we choose to think. When I am thinking about the people I love, everything I have to look forward to, the wonderful memories I have, and the beautiful world I live in I am inspired. I must remember that I can get to this blissful state whenever I want. I only have to remember how.


Mrs. Q said...

So true Clint. Everything that I am fired up about right now. And loving life. This is truly a charmed life.

Kathy G said...

I have a post-it on the mirror in my closet. It says..."I GOT to or I GET to".

What a bumper every morning to remind me that it's all about choosing my attitude in life.

Tim H said...

Nice perspective of joy and passion. Sometimes all we have to do is look around ourselves to see how good we have it. Gratitude

Heather Lewis said...

I read this one a little late, but it it rocked me so much I had to leave a comment. It is so true that at any time we can rise above self centered fear, because that's all it ever is. Thank you for writing that.