Saturday, July 5, 2008

....I Was Just Thinkin'......

Recent days have brought on many joyful experiences, which of course will create many more. This summer has been a whirlwind of activity. From Shelby piercing her ears, to the events that led to the Traaseth family moving to Georgia, my trip to St. Louis, and the Meehan's trans-Atlantic cruise aboard the Queen Mary2 , wonderful events have taken place in my life and the lives with whom I am intimately connected. In the past couple of weeks I have found out about the Liebermann's and the Schendel's being pregnant. Recently, Steve and Heather have gotten engaged. Finally Mike and Morgan Pierce were given the opportunity to move to Kansas City to further their personal and professional lives and they took it.
With many of these situations comes a feeling of pure joy. I love being connected enough to people to be able to share in their excitement for the wonderful things that happen in their lives. Because of these relationships I am able to learn and grow not only from my personal successes, but also from the successes of others. How awesome is that?! I know that I either choose to involve or exclude myself. IT IS ALWAYS ME WHO MAKES THAT CHOICE!
As I go into this upcoming week, the event I am looking forward to is the Are You Fun un-schooling non-conference in Salt Spring Island, B.C. I absolutely love any event that involves the un-schooling community. The kids are pure joy. The families are in touch with what is truly important. Their shared love and experiences. That is also true in the programs in which I am involved. When my priorities are straight, it is pure joy and love. Even when scary or sad circumstances arise, I am empowered by the connections of love and understanding I have as a result of my relationships. 
The bottom line is that my life is unbelievably good. I am grateful for my beautiful and supportive wife. I am grateful for my thoughtful and exciting daughter. I am grateful for my patient and understanding in-laws. Finally, I am grateful for all of the people with whom I GET to share my life and who so selflessly share their lives with me.
I hope that is how YOU roll.


Josh said...

I loved this post. You reflected very well some of the things I have been experiencing lately. When I am out of Self, and in a place of love I enjoy all successes and experiences in both myself and in others equally I can see the beauty in life and be a part of it rather than feeling like a spectator. miracles happen all around me whether I'm paying attention or not. I am grateful that I am Being a part of life today.
Thank for sharing your thoughts with us. I am glad I GET to know you and so many other wonderful people.
love you

Winkelmann said...

Thanks for the BONUS weekly perspective. This always helps me to have a perspective of love and positivity for others and myself. I am excited for you, Wendy, and Shelby to rock the unschooling event this week. Love ya

Valerie A. said...

Thank you for this wonderful reminder, I absolutely agree there are so many wonderful things happening right now, small things in my day to day life and huge changes in others (the engagements, moves, trips and yay the babies!) All of these things really are so wonderful. I feel so grateful to get to be a part of this life and a part of others lives. I'm so excited for you guys to go on that trip it sounds so fun!!!!
I love you

Robbie said...

I loved reading this, I am so with you!! I got teared up because I am so happy with my life, (and because I'm a hormone chernobyl right now (in a good way, of course). I love hearing about others joy in there lives, and I'm so glad we are apart of each others joy. Have fun in B.C.!
Love, Robin

Robbie said...

I always love to read your perspective on things. I totally agree, it is such a joy to be a part of so many wonderful things happening. Great things always happen for people that believe in great things. I love you.


Wendy said...

Great post! Our lives are truly wonderful. And I am so grateful to share it with you!! crack me up...a hormone Chernobyl...too funny.

Unknown said...

I loved this post too! I originally came on to post about the man I saw in ManPris tonight at the mall, and I am so glad I did... I have also been experiencing a lot of that stuff lately, especially the part about my priorities and everything being love and joy. I also feel very supported and loved when I am vulnerable and participating in my now! Thanks Clint! I love you!

Mrs. Q said...

You rule invite me to your blog love ya morgan