Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010: So Far, So Good

I realize the New Year has just begun, but:
  • I am off for a western Caribbean cruise this weekend
  • I just enjoyed an amazing holiday with friends and family, and
  • Work is really good
In 2009 I committed myself to learning. I realize education never stops (except on Learn Nothing Day) but I have shifted my focus in 2010 to taking action. I really want to stretch myself and experience as much as I can.

So far, so good. I am facing a fear next week by doing my first ocean dive with my family. Diving is still new to me, and as excited as I am, I am still scared. BIG STRETCH.

I recently completed a coaching course, so now I am a certified coach. I will be building another part of my business which is another stretch.

I am also committed to some more speaking events this year. I love speaking and it is a lot of fun, but I am focusing more conscious energy to this area of my professional life. Say it with me now......STRETCH!

I am re-releasing my book, fresh with a new title, a new design, and super editing. I understand the business a little better now, so I am looking forward to what will happen with it. By the way, the book is Connected: The Art of Building Relationships, and it's pretty good.

Finally, my daughter will be eleven in a few weeks. WOW!!!!!! That is the quickest decade I have ever experienced. Wendy and I feel so lucky to live and experience life with Shelby. She is an amazing person and I look forward to what each day brings.

I hope you enjoy my little ramblings about my life, I certainly enjoy sharing them. So until next time, CARIBBEAN HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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